What is Zoho Blueprint or Process Management

14.10.19 11:23 AM By Bill

What is Zoho Blueprint or Process Management

Zoho Blueprint, in our opinion, is a killer feature within Zoho CRM that is under utilised. Customers may not be aware of it, or they are concerned about the potential complexity associated with it or they just don’t know where to start. So what are Blueprints? For the purpose of this post we are talking about Blueprints in Zoho CRM. However Zoho have released Blueprint into Zoho Desk and Zoho Projects. There is even an entire product called Orchestrly which is built on the entire concept of Zoho Blueprint. We fully anticipate to see Zoho Blueprint appear in other products.


Zoho Blueprint is a process management tool, that uses automation to deliver the same process over and over again. It is designed to be a guided process from A to B to C without giving the User options to skip part of the process. Imagine the scenario of Lead management - a Lead enters your business how do you flow that Lead through the business to the point it is either qualified or it is unqualified? You might have a documented process which might say no more than 3 attempts to contact, based on contact the Lead is qualified, unqualified, junk lead or contact in the future. In theory a simple process but how rigidly is it followed? Blueprint allows you to implement this process so that it is followed correctly.


Next imagine within this process there are redials - tried to contact the customer but they were unavailable. The User would need to create a task to remind them to redial that Lead, as well as send them an Email “I have tried to call you”. Both actions are not very onerous but might take 5 minutes or so to complete - 20 Leads a day and that is nearly 2 hours of their day doing boring and relative tasks. If you have implemented Blueprint correctly the Blueprint can complete these actions for the User automatically - allowing them to focus on following up on Leads and not administrative tasks.


Finally, I have seen that some people don’t want to let go of a Lead. Until such time that they have spoke with the customer and the customer says no they perceive it to be a live Lead. Reality is very different - if you have tried to contact the customer repeatedly and they don’t take your call are they still interested? If the Lead has stalled and resides in the Lead process for too long is it still a live Lead? Both of these scenarios can be solved by using Blueprints. Blueprint can be used to limit the amount of radials before a Lead is closed as Not Qualified - Unable To Contact. If a Lead resides in a particular part of the process for too long alerts can be triggered either to the User or to the User’s Manager to action and continue with the Lead.


This is a very simple scenario as to how Blueprints can be used within your organisation. For a more comprehensive understanding of Blueprints schedule a demo with ourselves or attend one of our free seminars.

Zoho Blueprint - An example of a Lead Process
Zoho Blueprint - An example of a Lead Process